Friday, October 22, 2010

A recap of Transparent Moments

Yes, it's true, I don't really have a post planned for today. Instead of writing last night I spent quality time with my husband :) However, I thought it was a good time to recap on the Transparent Moments

1. Transparent Moment--Am I Cut Out For This ; a look at a mom's greatest fear of a child being unable to breathe.
2. Transparent Moment--Gender Envy; I have 2 boys, beautiful, wonderful, perfect, and yet, I long for a girl too. This post is the most popular post of the blog.
3. Transparent Moment--Postpartum Depression; enough said.
4. Transparent Moment--Comparisons; do you ever compare yourself as a mom? How about your kids?
5. Transparent Moment--Endometriosis; a guest post from a brave mama willing to talk about her pain and struggle getting pregnant and the happy result.  
6. Transparent Moment--Mommy Needs Friends; the most recent Transparent Moment. A look at the desperate need/desire for mommy friends.

Readers: Anyone out there willing to be transparent for a moment? I'm looking for future guest posters :) Your topic is your truth. Which of the current Transparent Moments is YOUR favorite?


  1. I adore your gender envy post--I've said many the same thing! Since I'm struggling to have a second I would be happy with either at this point but I do have this longing that I would have a girl next! I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't disappointed when I first found out I was having a boy--I was holding back tears but of course, I wouldn't trade him for the world now! And these days, secretly, my stomach lurches every time I found out someone is pregnant but when I hear they are having a girl it lurches a bit more! How's that for transparent? : ) Love your transparencies!

  2. What a great picture for your header.

    I like the listed posts. I will stop by again to follow because today my blog is playing up.

    Have a great weekend.

  3. Greta these are all great topics, I look forward to reading through them. Just based on the titles, I've experienced several of them. I'd do a guest post for you if you are interested.

  4. I love your honesty. It is so refreshing. I'm glad to have found a new friend!!
