Friday, September 24, 2010

Party Planning 101--Intro

I love to throw parties. Birthday parties, baby showers, bridal showers, Christmas parties, Halloween parties, Easter egg hunts, you name it, I love it.

One of my fondest memories from my childhood was of a birthday party I had. It was a Tea Party. All the girls dressed up in their frilly dresses with big poofy sleeves (it was the 80s) and we sipped tea out of my brand new tea set, and ate petite fours and other tiny foods that paired well with tea.  Ever since I have loved parties.

I love coming up with themes, foods to match with the theme, and party games that fit both child or adult personality. I spend hours pouring over idea books, websites, and magazines trying to get creative with decorations, and thinking of ways to make each party special for the individual. Now that I have kids, I pour this out in to their parties. Will they remember it when they get older? Probably not at this age, but it's all character building, right?

Here are some pictures of the "Bug" birthday I put on for my kids last year. My oldest was turning 3 and my "baby" was turning 1.
The picture below is of an's just hard to tell. I bought it in the summer thinking I could find a watermelon to put in it. I should have known it would be impossible to find a watermelon in December. I had to modify it last minute. It needed the melon to hold the head on but the only melon I could find was too small so I had to use the dish under it. 

Do you have any party ideas to share? Any fond memories of parties from when you were little? Any links to your blogs to share? 

1 comment:

  1. You throw amazing parties! :) Glad your blogging about it!
